
Besides becoming the archive of all information regarding the spinola family, the internet site of the Foundation also wishes to be of assistance to the tourist coming to visit the city of Genoa.

In this playful section, organized as a set of interactive squares, we present peculiar anecdotes, characters, or places related to the spinola.
The “archives” are to be considered a study tool and as such are a field that is evolving constantly.

Archives are a window on the world where, thanks to reports often made by scholars or people interested, studies and insights are developed.

monumento funebre IPPOLITO SPINOLA

Monumento Funebre di Ippolito Spinola


Spinola Imperiale Coat of Arms - Castle Imperiale of Francavilla Fontana

Copertina Ambrogio Spinola112

Ambrogio Spinola, between Genoa, Flanders and Spain


"Título funeral de Federico, hermano del Marqués Espínola. Diole muerte la guarnición de su espada, teniéndola en la mano y peleando, con el golpe que en ella dio una bala de artillería"

DORINDA buona per sito

La Dorinda

Lilla Spinola Cattanea dramma per musica

Cajo Mario, dramma per musica, da rappresentarsi nel Teatro da S. Agostino il carnovale dell'anno 1782 : dedicato alla Nobiliss. dama la signora Lilla Spinola Cattanea.